How to make money with YouTube | youtube earnings

How to make money with YouTube?

You want to become a youtuber and share your passion with your followers. Then you basically don't need much. If you have a good camera on your mobile, you can already start as a youtuber. Read what you'll face when you start vlogging and how you make money with YouTube.

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As a youtuber, also known as an influencer, you create videos that you share via YouTube or other online platforms. You want to attract as many viewers as possible. Maybe you are so successful that you will earn money with your vlogs.

Who are you vlogging for?

The 19-year-old lifestyle youtuber Eva Rose (Eva van der Heijden) started her own channel 5 years ago. She now has more than 100,000 subscribers and earns money with her vlogs. Eva Rose advises starting youtubers to think about 2 things: “Think about who you are going to make videos for: your target group. Most of my followers are between 16 and 24 years old. I've built a fan base that connects with each other, creating real friendships. They also post edits of my vlogs on Insta to support me. In addition, set your goal. I want people to benefit from my videos. I want to give them positivity and motivate them, for example for school. The question is always in the back of my mind: what do I want to bring with my next video?” 

What do you need to vlog?

“As a beginner, you don't have to buy the most expensive equipment right away. You can already become a youtuber with the camera and an editing program on your smartphone.

Do you want to get started professionally? With a professional camera and microphone you ensure that the quality of your videos is optimal. If you buy a camera, it is useful if it has built-in image stabilization. A flip-up screen lets you see yourself while recording. Also get a microphone with a pop-up hood to filter out noise. This way you are always clearly understood, wherever you are filming.

Once you've recorded your vlog, you still need to edit it. You need a mounting kit for this. Well-known packages are Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie or Final Cut Pro X. It takes some practice before you can work well with these. You can take a course or watch instructional videos on YouTube.

Types of videos

"How I Run 9 Different Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 7 Figures From Them" 


You can vlog about any subject. Popular topics include makeup, games, and travel. There are also different styles of vlogging. Basically there are 2:

1.Talking head

The camera is often placed on a tripod, aimed at the youtuber. You usually see this in makeup tutorials, cooking videos or other topics where the youtuber explains something. The youtuber alternates images of himself with images of what he is doing.

2. Follow me around

This style is more reminiscent of a reportage. The youtuber really takes you into his life. You see this style mainly on family, travel or lifestyle vlogs. The youtuber alternates images of himself with atmospheric images.

make a vlog

Making a vlog is not just putting together a few images. YouTube believes it is important that viewers watch your video completely. So make sure you grab the attention right away, so that people don't click away. Making a plan in advance can help. This does not necessarily have to be on paper and you certainly do not have to record all the details. For example, if you have a lifestyle vlog and you are going somewhere, it is useful if you think in advance about what you want to capture. This way you ensure that you come home with the right images.

“I always write down the main points beforehand. But that's not a whole script," says Eva Rose. “I have different kinds of videos, like 'Week in my life'. I am working out a global plan for that. Recently I made: 'for 1 week, family chooses my school outfits'. Sometimes my vlogs are funny, sometimes motivational. But whatever I do, I always ensure a recognizable style. My followers see immediately: this is a video of Eva Rose.”

When your vlog is ready to upload, it is important that you give it a good title, description and tags. The title should stimulate people to watch the vlog, but also make it clear what it is about. If your video doesn't live up to expectations, the viewer will click away. Also, choose a nice thumbnail (snapshot of your video) and make sure you use the right keywords so people can find your videos through search engines.

It is important that you post videos regularly and at set times. At the end of your vlog you announce when the next one is out. Then your followers know what to expect and you can bind them to you.

Please note: you are not allowed to just share videos with other people on it. Check the privacy law . In short, it means that you are allowed to film freely in public spaces and on public roads. Different rules apply in enclosed spaces, because people can assume that there is privacy there. 

Ideas for YouTube videos

On YouTube you will find many videos with tips for making good vlogs. Watching the competition can give you new ideas for your own vlogs. According to Eva Rose, all content actually already exists: “So don't think: 'I can't talk about that'. After all, it's not about the subject you make something about, but how you make it. Be yourself and do what you like.”

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Dream profession with disadvantages

Making money while filming or vlogging your life about your biggest hobby sounds like a dream profession, but there are also disadvantages:

Post regularly

Not only do your followers regularly expect new content from you, the YouTube algorithm also expects this. Uploading nothing once can cost you a lot of reach and followers. That creates a lot of pressure. You always have to work on new content, even at times when you might prefer to relax without a camera. That means constantly coming up with new topics, writing scripts, filming and editing.

Always 'on'

The more followers you have, the more likely you are to be recognized on the street. Even while shopping or on an outing with friends. So you are on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you always have to be aware of how you come across to other people. When you're not filming or editing, you should be making social media posts or responding to fan messages. That's how Eva Rose feels too: “You're always on, it just goes on. In the back of my mind always plays: what do I want to bring with my next video. I have to force myself to put my phone down and read a book. Combining everything is really difficult, I don't succeed very well.”

Negative comments

Online people say what they think more easily. If you are sensitive to that, these reactions can affect you very much. Negative reactions do not always have to be a problem: you can learn from feedback and you can answer critical questions. Hate responses are a different story. Feel free to delete hate comments and block users who leave them. If you are bothered by negative reactions to your vlogs, you can even turn the comments off. Or set up 'house rules' in which you indicate what kind of reactions you will and will not accept.

YouTube Earnings

How to make money with YouTube

The primary way to monetize YouTube is from ad revenue. This requires you to link your YouTube account to an AdSence account. You only get money transferred from 70 euros in income.

Please note that you must be 18 years old or have the legal capacity to create an AdSense account. Eva Rose: “I tried, but my channel was quickly deleted. It wasn't until my father signed up with his credit card that I finally got the channel back. What a stress that was.”

Before you start making money, you have to invest a lot of time in your channel. For example, YouTube has a rule that you must have watched at least 4,000 hours within 12 months. In addition, you must have at least 1,000 subscribers. The revenue from your video increases if your followers watch the ads and watch the video to the end. The revenue also depends on the age of your followers. Older followers, who often have more to spend, earn you more money.

You can also earn money via YouTube with memberships, a merchandise shelf, Super Chat and Super Stickers and viewers with a YouTube Premium subscription.

Most ways require you to be at least 18 years old and have a minimum number of subscribers.

Sponsored Content

If you have a lot of views and followers, sponsors will approach you for collaborations. They suggest you use their product in your videos. This allows you to earn money or receive items for free. Do not go into everything, think of your good name and always ask yourself whether the product suits you.

“I have about 40,000 to 60,000 views per video. That is interesting for companies. That is why they seek cooperation. Requests for collaborations started from about 10,000 subscribers,” says Eva Rose. “Those were barter deals: a product in exchange for promotion in my video.” The vlogster indicates that the number of views can vary greatly from time to time. “During the summer holidays, the number of views per video is less. During the lockdown, my channel was visited very often.”

affiliate marketing

Don't want to wait for sponsors? Then you can also choose suitable products yourself. You recommend products through affiliate marketing. Affiliate stands for partner. The seller will give you your own URL link that you can place in the description of your video. Does a viewer buy through this link? Then you will receive part of the purchase amount.


With personal branding you create your own brand: you show who you are and what makes you unique. If you have a lot of fans, you may want to start selling merchandise. Such as your own T-shirts, caps or coffee mugs. To ensure that others do not copy your stuff, protect your brand via BOIP . Brand protection isn't the first thing you think of when you start vlogging, but are you getting more and more followers and want to get started professionally? Then protect your brand. 

Instagram and TikTok

In addition to YouTube, you can also earn money by vlogging on other social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok. Unlike YouTube, TikTok and Instagram do not pay you per view or ad, but you earn by partnering with companies. You can also make money with affiliate marketing on these platforms. It's not just about how many followers you have, but especially about the engagement of your followers. It is important for the company you work with that you influence your followers. They will soon like something you like.

Matt Par teaches his EXACT strategies for starting YouTube channels from scratch and show how he started a YouTube channel and grew it to having 1,000,000 subscribers in just one year without showing his face or making any videos.  CLICK HERE

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